keepass safe

2015年11月26日 - There is a paper by Paolo Gasti and Kasper Bonne Rasmussen from the University of California which looks at the storage formats used by ...

相關軟體 Dashlane 下載

Dashlane is an ultra secure, free password manager. You can automatically import your passwords from Chrome or any other web browser into your secure password vault. With Dashlane you can save any m...

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  • 2015年11月26日 - There is a paper by Paolo Gasti and Kasper Bonne Rasmussen from the Univers...
    aes - Has anyone validated if KeePass is safe to use? Does it have ...
  • KeePass. Password Safe. Home. Home & News Forums Feature List Screenshots. Getting Kee...
    Downloads - KeePass
  • 跳到 Intuitive and Secure Clipboard Handling - Intuitive and Secure Windows Clipboard Handl...
    Features - KeePass
  • KeePass 1.34 Installer (1.34): KeePass 1.34 (Installer EXE for Windows) Download the EXE f...
    Getting KeePass - Downloads - KeePass Password Safe ...
  • 2016年8月21日 - The key to remaining safe while your database is open/unlocked is to keep yo...
    KeePass Discussion Open Discussion:Keepass is no longer secure ...
  • KeePass is an open source password manager. Passwords can be stored in highly-encrypted da...
    KeePass - Official Site
  • KeePass Password Safe is a free and open-source password manager primarily for Windows. It...
    KeePass - Wikipedia
  • Download KeePass for free. A lightweight and easy-to-use password manager. KeePass Passwor...
    KeePass download |
  • KeePass is an open source password manager. Passwords can be stored in highly-encrypted da...
    KeePass Password Safe
  • 現在使用網路的人,帳號密碼真是多到不行。舉凡網站、論壇、BBS、E-mail這些都常常需要用到密碼。但,當申請的東西愈多,加入的會員愈多,你的密碼和帳號就愈來愈多,使用同一組帳號密...
    KeePass Password Safe (V2) 2.30 繁體中文語系:軟體王2017-軟體 ...
  • 現代人上網都要牢記許多帳號、密碼,例如要連上網路、雲端硬碟、Facebook、Google 信箱等等,每次都一定要通過正確的帳號、密碼組合,才能夠存取帳戶裡的資料,以我爸媽來說,要...
    KeePass Password Safe 安全、簡單的帳號密碼管理工具
  • 之前T客邦曾有一篇「喂!別讓小西瓜破了你的密碼」,提到什麼樣的密碼是不安全的。不同的信箱、購物網站、網路銀行,如果都用同一組密碼登入,只要一個被破解就糟糕了,但是又很難記住動輒十幾...
    KeePass Password Safe:管理保全帳號密碼 | T客邦 - 我只推薦好 ...
  • 2016年6月9日 - KeePass isn't the most popular password manager around here, but many of ...
    KeePass Vulnerability Could Let Attackers Steal Your Passwords With ...
  • 2015年6月17日 - KeePassX uses an older database format (KDB) than KeePass 2.x (KDBX4). It al...
    KeePass – questionable security | Hacker News
  • Keepass2Android is an open source password manager application for Android. It reads and w...
    Keepass2Android Password Safe - Android Apps on Google Play ...
  • KeePassDroid is an implementation of the KeePass Password Safe for Android. Read/write sup...
    KeePassDroid - Android Apps on Google Play
  • 2013年1月28日 - From generating random passwords to storing them for protection from keylogg...
    Review: KeePass makes strong passwords and keeps them safe ...
  • 2013年11月11日 - It is hard to quantify exactly, but if you have the DB on a mobile device t...
    Storing KeePass database in cloud. How safe? - Information Security ...
  • 2016/9 新增 : LastPass, KeePass, 1Password 三大密碼管理軟體功能比較表 現代人可能擁有多組的帳號密碼,不管是一些基本的電腦軟體(如即時通訊),...
    個人帳號密碼的安全保險箱:KeePass Password Safe (附自動化填 ...